Часто задаваемые вопросы

How does the registration process work?

In order to get access to the API, you are supposed to fill in the registration form. You are asked to provide your name, email, organization and position. You will receive your API key instantly after the confirmation of your email.

How to integrate DynaCrop API in our software?

Before starting the integration, please download and read carefully our OpenAPI specification. To get tailored help with the integration, please ask for a free consultation at dynacrop@worldfrom.space

Do I have new data every day?

Unfortunately, you don’t get new data for each field every day. Our service is based on open data from Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 satellites. Therefore, new data is available usually once a week during the summer season. Availability of data could be disrupted by cloudy weather.

What happens after our testing version expires?

When your 30day trial is over, you will be offered to switch to one of our standard plans. If they don’t suit your use case, you can always request an individual plan tailored to your needs.

What kind of outputs and formats can we get?

We provide outputs in following formats:

  • geotiff
  • PNG
  • colored-PNG
  • map tiles
  • JSON

Soon, we will be adding a new possibility to get the results through WMS server and QGIS plugin.

How to pick a suitable pricing plan for us?

The best way is to ask for a free online meeting where we could discuss your case. Otherwise, gather information about the area of all the fields you want to monitor and about the products from our portfolio you plan to use.

How do you filter clouds?

In order to guarantee maximum quality of data provided by our service we:

  • use only satellite products with atmospheric corrections (bottom of the atmosphere) 
  • perform automated cloud detection on pixel level
  • perform automated shadow detection on pixel level 
  • filter out man-made surfaces (urban areas, buildings, concrete surfaces, etc.)

We provide pre-set values for filtering, but you can adjust them to your needs.

What kind of satellite data do you use?

DynaCrop makes use of Copernicus data produced in cooperation between the EU and the European Space Agency (ESA). Specifically, observations from Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 satellites are mostly used for our services. Sentinel 1 is an imaging radar satellite providing continuous all-weather sensing. We use Sentinel 1 mostly for soil moisture measurement. Sentinel 2 satellites carry multispectral radiometers sensing the Earth’s surface in 13 different spectral bands and it is used mostly for vegetation monitoring.

Does the service work in my country?

DynaCrop service is global, therefore, it works in all countries around the world.

Do I have to pay an extra fee for every new data?

DynaCrop service is using open satellite data, therefore, you don’t need to pay anything on top of your pricing plan.

We have another question, who can we ask?

You can always ask for a free online meeting with us or send us an email to support@worldfrom.space. We will get back to you within few business days.

What to do in case of service failure?

You can create an issue ticket at BitBucket or simply by sending an email to support@worldfrom.space.

World from Space, s.r.o., Pellicova 624/3, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic. Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku u Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl C, vložka 101899. Copyright 2025

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