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Zjistěte více o použití satelitních technologií v zemědělství. Přinášíme vám novinky a klíčové trendy z našeho odvětví a služeb.
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Zjistěte více o použití satelitních technologií v zemědělství. Přinášíme vám novinky a klíčové trendy z našeho odvětví a služeb.
2 min.
DynaCrop is bringing information from space to its clients all around the world. But where does this information come from and which satellites are we using? Image by Free-Photos from...
3 min.
Jan is the most common name in the Czech Republic. It is no wonder then that Jan is the name of one of the farmers we recently contacted. He lives in a small village of around 400 people with his...
4 min.
Bats usually don’t have much of a positive public image. Considered to be bloodthirsty beasts, these small flying mammals are more terrifying than inspiring most people. But without them, our...
4 min.
Agriculture is undoubtedly one of the most conservative sectors in the economy. Changes take time, and one must be very careful to become optimistic about certain innovations. Talks about precision...
2 min.
NDVI (the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is the most commonly used vegetation index for monitoring crop growth and health state. To find this out, we use a combination of visible light...
2 min.
Satellite crop monitoring allows farmers to regularly assess the crops’ condition without the need of personal visits in the fields. Vegetation indices are the primary tool that provides...
2 min.
Field scouting is an important feature that helps farmers make timely, informed and economical field crop decisions. Traditionally, crop scouting allows farmers to check how different areas of...
World from Space, s.r.o., Pellicova 624/3, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic. Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku u Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl C, vložka 101899. Copyright 2025