Who we are - DynaCrop


Push transition to digital, sustainable and resilient agriculture.

Our mission is to empower the agriculture industry with intelligent solutions that leverage data, technology, and innovation to optimize crop management, increase productivity, simplify precision farming practices and drive sustainable agricultural practices.


Supporting digital farming for higher yields, easier decisions, and more joy of farming.

Our vision is to enable digital farming platforms to leverage the full potential of satellite-based prescription maps, providing intelligent and customized foundations for optimized crop management and transition to sustainable and resilient agriculture.

Our Accolades

Our work speaks for itself. We have been recognized by a number of incubators and field experts like:


We became a part of the prestigious European Space Agency Business Incubator in March 2019. Since that time, we have been able to use the financial and expert support to transfer DynaCrop from phase of an idea to a real product that is being used by customers all around the world.

H2020 Seal of excellence

DynaCrop is based on a Horizon 2020 SME instrument Phase 1 project called “EO DynaCrop – AI crop growth and drought monitoring for agricultural software” that we realized with the help of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic in 2019. We had a chance to talk to multiple stakeholders and potential user groups of our service and test the technical feasibility of the main features. It became a cornerstone of our current service.

Copernicus Masters Winner

We won the leading innovation competition for Earth Observation called Copernicus Masters in 2018. Within the governmental challenge, we have proposed a system for drought measuring across Europe. We use parts of the system within the DynaCrop API for measuring soil moisture and effects of drought on crops.

Our Team

DynaCrop is being developed by the World from Space company based in Brno, Czech Republic. We are an experienced team of geospatial, IT, and environmental experts devoted to satellite data and agriculture. We are deeply passionate about merging tech with sustainability, and we think satellite data can help get us there. We help you focus on making smarter farming decisions because we believe in data-driven decision-making.

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World from Space, s.r.o., Pellicova 624/3, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic. Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku u Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl C, vložka 101899. Copyright 2025

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