Easily integrable and lightweight API

Precision farming
use cases

Key advantages

  • Regular weekly data & historical archive
  • Expert support for crop and soil use cases
  • Pay-as-you-go without minimum order

Use cases

As a DynaCrop user, you get smooth access to smart and comprehensive satellite data insights. So, instead of worrying about your tech, you can focus on increasing revenue!

daily field report

Daily field report

daily field report

Support your daily operation planning with up-to-date analyses offering actionable crop-specific indicators on growth patterns and potential anomalies, guiding scouting point suggestions. Explore variability level and actual crop coverage. Create full, short, or custom reports in whitelabel PDF or JSON.

soil sampling

Soil sampling optimisation

soil sampling

Generate representative soil and yield zones for sampling, cutting costs by 20-40% compared to traditional methods. Save more than €100 per hectare while reducing labour, equipment, and fuel expenses. Benefit from enhanced accuracy, increased field productivity, and improved profit margins.

vra tractor fertilizing

Variable rate seeding and fertilising

vra tractor fertilizing

Get long-term yield potential zones within each field. Tailor inputs to the specific needs of each field zone and optimise plant populations to enhance efficiency, and save time as well as resources. This approach not only reduces resource usage by 15-40% but also boosts yields by 5-15%, resulting in financial gains of up to €200 per hectare for end users.


Irrigation and drought


Enhance irrigation efficiency and mitigate drought impact with AI-driven fusion of IoT sensors and satellite data. Leveraging soil characteristic understanding, optimise irrigation practices to reduce water usage by 20-30%.

timing harvest

Timing of operations and field work

timing harvest

Improve yields by 5-15% thanks to adjusting planning to weather and crop phenology. Harness satellite insights for field/region prioritisation. Ensure that resources and efforts are allocated efficiently.

fields top view

Agriculture statistics

fields top view

Enhance your agriculture portfolio monitoring and scale your risk assessment with comprehensive data-backed indicators.

Contact us

Getting in touch with you is our first and foremost priority. If you have any question regarding our service or satellite technology in general, feel free to use our contact form or adress us directly by:

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World from Space, s.r.o., Pellicova 624/3, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic. Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku u Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl C, vložka 101899. Copyright 2025

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