Join our Regenerative Agriculture workshop series
We have successfully spread the word about using our satellite services for Regenerative Agriculture use cases. If you missed it you can always play the recordings.
Join us to discover the ways to produce food responsibly and more efficiently.
See RECORDINGS of all the sessions right here:
I. Farmers’ needs
II. Carbon credit traders
III. Food production value chain
IV. Food tracing and blockchain use
V. Trends and optimized future services
Fill your soil with carbon to boost fertility and get extra income
Soils get more and more exhausted from massive production every year. But Regenerative Agriculture is fighting it quite successfully. Doing so makes capturing CO2 from the air trendy.
Large industrial companies aim to be carbon neutral but they are unable to do so on their own using current technology. But farmers started to be helping them via carbon credit trading. If the farm follows principles of regenerative agriculture and there is an effort to capture more carbon than to release, it opens a path to get a financial reward. In addition, practices like minimum tillage, cover cropping, crop rotation, manure, and compost application boost soil health (organic matter content, water holding capacity, biodiversity) and yields in the long run!
But how can you use satellite data to meet the regenerative farming requirements?
DynaCrop brings an answer. Its Earth Observation products can help you monitor Soil Organic Carbon variations. Use our maps to optimize field sampling and organic fertilizing. See effects of cover cropping on soil moisture trend. There is many more use cases, so come and discuss with us your specific needs and ideas.
Thanks to satellite monitoring you do not have to spend all season digging in the soil to get some data anymore.

Elaborated in the framework of the EuroGEO e-shape project. The e-shape project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 820852.